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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jeff Who Lives at Home MOVIE REVIEW

Jeff Tompkins is just your average guy, who happens to still live with his mother at the age of 30. When his mother, Susan, calls his brother Patrick, and tells him to spend more time together, as good brothers should, the two will end up bonding together in a brand new way they never thought possible.

Paramount Vantage, a small side company of Parmount Pictures I believe, doesn't make a lot of big time films that one would expect. I wanted to rent a comedy and thought, "Eh what the heck! Why not laugh a little right?" Well guess what? I didnt laugh much at all. It was marketed as a comedy and, yes, there were some comedic moments but all of the movie was just plain CRUDE and UNACCEPTABLE. Okay I know what you're thinking. At this point you're probably thinking, "Well hey! What do you expect with comedic movies these days? Especially ones that are rated R right?" Well I'm sorry. As a Christian, and a human being, most of this film was just 1) not funny, 2) not appropriate for anyone. There was a lot of sexual references as the rating suggested AND there was a lot of inappropriate language, language you dont even here much even on the streets.

Don't get me wrong. The performances by Jason Segel and Ed Helms were really good and they did make me laugh at certain points. However, the content is what I look at as a movie reviewer and the offensive content was just too overwhelming to appreciate what this movie had to offer. Yes, it had a nice story. Yes, it had some hysterical, and I do mean hysterical, moments. Overall though? Not a comedy, unless you like that kind of humor in which case some of you may find this film amusing. I, however, did NOT.

Like I said, in terms of profanity, there was a lot. A LOT of cussing, sexual talk, innuendos, and even, unfortunately, alcohol consumption and drug use (which may be the least of the problems with this movie). There was very little violence (one fight scene and one case where Patrick is so drunk he starts driving wrecklessly).

Overall, I don't recommend the film. Jason Segel is a great actor and so is Ed Helms, so at the end I was kinding wondering what the 35 uses of the f-word and the sexual language was for. Even the drug use was unnecessary. As I stated in my other movie review (which you can follow by visiting www.christiananswers.net/spotlight) there was just too much off-color content to recommend this movie to teens, Christians, or adults for that matter. Sorry Paramount Vantage. Try again.

My Grade: C+
Stars (out of 5): 3.5

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