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Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises-MOVIE REVIEW***

After being blamed by the public for the death of  Gotham D.A. Harvey Dent, Batman (aka Bruce Wayne) goes into hiding. Eight years goes by until he is called into action once again when a new villian Bane terrorizes Gotham. It will take every ounce of strength and determination to out manuveur this new breed of villian.

After 4 longs year of waiting, the wait is finally over. The conclusion of the Batman trilogy has come to a close. And on a good note I might add. Christopher Nolan is a genius. He took the Batman comics, molded them, and turned them into the greatest film trilogy this turn of the century. Sure there were Batman movies WAY before Christopher Nolan came around. I think we can all agree though  that none even came close to the trilogy (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and finally the Dark Knight Rises) that Mr. Nolan formed. I went to a Dark Knight Marathon at a local theater followed by the midnight premiere of the Dark Knight Rises. 

To be honest, I had never seen the first movie, only Dark Knight. Its a good thing I did though. If I hadn't (and I dont mean to spoil it for everyone) I would not have been able to understand parts of the Dark Knight Rises, which makes MANY references to the first movie and, disappointingly, not the second (although there were a couple references made). My advice is to rent Batman Begins again if it's been a while since you've laid eyes on the film for it will definetely help fill in the pieces to the third movie. Just saying.

Cinematically? Every aspect of the film was perfect. The acting was superb. The special effects, including ALL of the action scenes were very well done, as only Christopher Nolan can produce (and he never produces anything less). My only objection, and this is a small one, is that some of the plot didn't seem to make sense. For the sake of not giving any spoilers away I cant mention them here but let's just say that you might be asking some questions as you exit the theater.

Content wise? There were scenes of "sensuality," as the MPAA likes to call them. There was a heavy amount of violence so parents think twice before taking children younger than 12. No language as I recall. Other than that this was a pretty clean film by today's standards.

Overal I give this film 4.5 stars and a A-. I give it the A- due to some of the plot holes that did occur. As for the rest of it though? Spot on! And so ends the Batman trilogy of Christopher Nolan. Rest in Peace Batman Trilogy. Rest in Peace.

My Grade: A-
Stars (out of 5): 4.5

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