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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Step Up Revolution-MOVIE REVIEW

"The MOB is a dance group from the streets of Miami, Florida. Their one goal? To become the most famous dance group in the world and reach enough hits on YouTube to win the $100,000 prize. However, things are about to change when a hotel owner, Mr. Anderson, threatens to destroy a section of Miami (where The Mob hangs out) to build a luxury hotel in its place. It’s up to The MOB to fight for their home and start… a revolution." (taken from my OTHER movie review at http://christiananswers.net/spotlight/movies/2012/stepup2012.html).

To be perfectly honest, the main reason I wanted to see Step Up Revolution was because the other movie review website I volunteer for needed someone to review the movie. So I said, "Alright, let's see how good this movie is." While the movie starts off interesting Summit Entertainment didn't propel the story enough to make the movie better. The dancing is good, but as I said in my other review, that's pretty the only thing that is good. The acting? Not that good. The story? Too thin and unfortunately they spent WAY too much time on development of the characters for the first hour. Yes, a film needs to have character development but if you put in TOO much, it leaves the audience member bored and wondering when the story will propel further. At once point I even wondered how far into the movie I was in. NOT a good sign. The story is nice but nothing firm or substantial to make it worth the price of admission.

In terms of objectionable material there is a lot of suggestive dancing as the rating suggests, some of it VERY inappropriate. There is a moderate amount of language and some kissing scenes and some other things that aren't for children's eyes so parents leave the children home for this one.

So yeah, this is a short movie review because there's not much else I can say about the movie other than it's just average for it's genre. The dancing was very impressive, as I said, but that's it. I couldn't find anything else. It's the hard truth and maybe I was a little harsh with this film. But I knew the reputation of the other Step Up movies and expected a little better than what I paid for. Sorry Hollywood keep trying.

My Grade: C
Stars (out of 5): 3

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