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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman Movie Review

Peter Parker is just your average kid...who happened to get bitten by a genetically enhanced superspider while taking a tour of Oscorp Industries. It's a movie about courage and determination in which Peter Parker must come to the realization of who he must become...The Amazing Spiderman.

Reboots are tricky to make. You never know how the audience is going to react to the story, the acting, etc. I'll admit that I wasn't really looking forward to this film...at all. I figured, "No way this movie will be as good as the 2002 blockbuster Spiderman (starring Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst). It's just not going to work. Why fix something that isn't broken in the first place?" I had heard they were going to be making a reboot about a year in advance from a friend who heard about it through the Internet.

My mother really wanted to see this movie and I was interested enough to see this movie in not just 3D but in IMAX 3D. So I went. I sat in the theater. The first half hour of the movie is SLOW but necessary to help develop the plot (just thought I'd point that out there). Suprisingly (and I don't mean to spoil it for anyone) there wasn't as much action as the first three blockbuster films. That suprised me considering that's the entire purpose of GOING to a Spiderman movie. Yet, somehow it still worked. Somehow I was still impressed without a doubt that this movie was as good as it was.
Congrats to the cast and crew for impressing even ME.

In terms of objectionable content there wasn't much. One person swore. There was one scene of partial nudity (very partial). Some scenes are a bit frightening, including Dr. Connors turning into the super lizard. Other than that the violence was pretty tame for a Spiderman movie, or for any PG-13 movie for that manner.

So like I said, I didn't have high hopes for this movie in the beginning but as it progressed it turned out better than I thought. And for that I give it 4.5 stars out of five. Thankyou Columbia Pictures. You made a good impression.

My Grade: B+
Stars (out of 5): 4.5

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