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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2-MOVIE REVIEW

Every once in a while I decide to go to the movies by myself. Some may find that sad. For me its a time where I get to enjoy a movie by myself. That's all. I decided to do that today when I decided to go see Kung Fu Panda 2 at a matinee screening.

The story? Po is back from the first movie. He is the dragon warrior. He has fame, popularity, and the Furious Five by his side. His only question...where did he come from? After Po realizes the answer to his question his makes it his mission to discovering what happened to his family while at the same time defeating a new enemy bent on destroying kung fu. Will Po be able to accomplish all this?

When you hear the word "Dreamworks Pictures" you usually hear the praise that accompanies it. "Great animation (if you see a children's film), "good story," "excellent performance." All of these are words that go with Dreamworks. The first Kung Fu Panda was Dreamworks Animation's attempt since the success of Shrek, to usher in a new era of animation for the company. The first Kung Fu Panda was quite successful. I can happily report that it's sequel, Kung Fu Panda 2, while not as great as the first film, still lived up to it's quality that one would expect from a film-making company such as Dreamworks Animation.

Techincally speaking, the animation was about the same as the last film. Nothing new. The performances were a lot better and I was happy to see the members of the Furious Five play a bigger role in this movie. Two actors really stood out in this movie. Angelina Jolie (who plays Tigress) and of course the ever famous Jack Black (Po). The music was right for this film and placed in the right areas at the right time which gave the movie an even flow for 90 minutes. The story was a little slow at first and there were times I couldn't help but look at my watch in disbelief but overall the story was good.

There was nothing really objectionable about this film, morally speaking. There's a lot of talk about "inner peace" so if this offends you I wouldn't see this film. The violence was a little more present in this film than in it's predeccessor so parents be warned. From what I remember there wasn't much in terms of language either but maybe I missed it (write a comment if I miss anything please).

Dreamworks continues to impress audiences with it's fine detail in animation and quality picture making. Kung Fu Panda 2 reminds us of Dreamworks capabilities of making movies without the unnecessary language or potty humor. Thank you Dreamworks. You've done it again. Keep doing what you're doing and this is definetely a film worth renting in several months.

My Grade: B+
Stars: 4/5

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