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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Madea's Witness Protection MOVIE REVIEW

Eugene Levy plays George Needleman, a CFO of a major coporation, who just realized his company (a company supposedly taking money and giving it to various charities) was embezzling money and now all the blame falls on him. The "feds" decide to relocate him and his family until trial at the home of a crazy woman named Madea  (Tyler Perry) and her family. Will George and his family be able to stand living with Madea? You'll have to see the movie to find out.

Okay, I'll be honest with everyone. I have never seen Tyler Perry's other films. I may be one of the only people who honestly has never seen any of the other films. I wanted to give this film a try. I wanted to see a comedy so I decided to drag my father to this film. For the MOST PART? This film was funny. Tyler Perry delivers in his comedy, putting the funny moments where they needed to be. However, the sexual humor? Over the top and just not necessary. I know, what else are you to expect in a Tyler Perry film if not sexual humor right? Well yes, there's that. Somehow I felt there was a little TOO much. The rest of the movie, minus the sexual humor, was funny.

Cinematically speaking, the acting was good. The best performances however were by Eugene Levy and Tyler Perry. They were HYSTERICAL. Without them, this film would have failed and so I commend their performances. In terms of objectionable content, there's the sexual humor, so parents beware. There's some language you have to deal with that they forgot to mention when the MPAA gave it's rating. There is, also the fact that Madea is played by a male in a female outfit, so there's crossdressing involve (me I found this the most offensive part).

Like I said, overall the movie was good. Good performances. Great humor. Just too much sexual humor. Overall I enjoyed it and I look forward to Tyler Perry's future endeavors and so I give this movie 4 stars. Congrats Tyler Perry.

My Grade: B-
Stars (out of 5): 4

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