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Friday, May 20, 2011


Greetings. I am pianoman21. I have decided to start my own blog on popular movies, providing my own opinions and allowing fellow bloggers to comment and share their own views on certain movies. My blog will work like this: I will provide a brief overview of what the movie entails, my critique/review of the film, and things to look out for (profanity, sexuality, and the like). Finally my reviews will always end with a grade: A, A-, B+, etc) and a star rating. My job here is not to tell people whether or not they should see a film. Rather I am here to serve as a middleman in helping you make your decisions on a film. Please note, these are just my overall thoughts on a movie and that the final decision on whether to see a film or not is entirely up to you. Enjoy and feel free to blog!


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