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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The King's Speech...MOVIE REVIEW

After some hesitation I finally decided on borrowing The King's Speech from my family and my father and I decided to watch this movie. I was curious as to why this film had received such a positive review so I decided to see this movie for myself.

The scene is the Great Depression. A time of trial and a time of, well, depression. We are then introduced to our protagonist, the Duke of York Albert (Collin Firth). From a very young age he has had a stammering problem with his speech. His wife (Helena Bonham Carter) decides to take him to a new speech therapist (Geoffery Rush), after mainly failed attempts with others, and the story continues from there (sorry, don't want to ruin the story for you).

I'll be honest. When I first decided to see this film and I read the synopsis on the back of the DVD case I said, "Interesting premise but is this film going to entertain me?" Not only was this film entertaining but it was impressive in it's movie-making quality. Okay so yes, the movie was a little slow in some areas. For the most part however the movie had a nice continuous flow. I am also a fan of Collin Firth and he put in a most excellent performance as King George VI. His role in this film was not an easy role to film and the depth that he brings to his character is so realistic that I forgot that he was just an actor playing a role. Geoffery Rush, as well, puts in an excellent performance as his speech therapist.

Techincally? Music was perfect for this film. Absolutely perfect. The camera work was fine. The main thing that I found objectionable from this film was the language. There is one scene in this film where there is a lot of swearing so parents be careful when deciding to watch this film with your children. On the plus side, I have heard that this film has been edited so there is a version of this film where the language is not as present as in the R-rated film.

Overall, an excellent film and one certainly worth the rental price at Block Buster or from your local RedBox.

My Grade: A-
Stars: 4.5

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