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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pirates: Band of Misfits Movie Review

From the producers of "Chicken Run" comes a new adventure...this one involving Pirates (there's a surprise). The Pirate Captain (Hugh Grant) and his crew of misfits have tried endlessly year after year to win the Pirate of the Year Award. Every year, however, they have somehow, one way or another, failed. Without giving too much away lets just say they attempt once again to win this award, with the help of a friend, Charles Darwin. Will they finally win the award after all these years? Or will their attempts fail once again? You'll have to see the movie to find out.

Look I'm going to be honest. I really had high hopes for this film. I had taken a friend to see this movie. We were really excited about it. We heard it was funny, for the children, and all around a clean movie to go to. For the mostpart, it was. However, something was missing. Maybe it was the plot (too simple?), maybe it was the acting, no that's not it either. I don't know. The humor was relatively decent for the most part, never resorting to anything TOO obscene for a children's movie. The acting, as I said before, was fine. The music? Good. The animation, I must say, was very well done. I was very impressed with the animation.  Still I walked out of the theater with the thought of, "It's average," which is never a good sign from this reviewer.

In terms of objectionable material, there wasn't too much that I need to point out. However, if you are going to take the children (which you should, considering this IS a children's movie) there's a scene of nudity on a ship. The humor is a little filthy in some areas but nothing that should scare parents from taking their children to this film. There is some violence in some scenes but, again, nothing that should raise a red flag in anyway possible.

If you must see this movie, then you're better seeing it in 2D. The 3D does nothing to add or take away from this average film. Overall a good film, safe for children (for the most part) but not one that I will be adding to my DVD collection I'm afraid.

My Grade: B
Stars: 3/5

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