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Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Woman in Black Movie Review

I apologize in advance for not giving a synopsis for this film. I just can't really give a synopsis of the film without giving too much away, so again, I apologize.

Every once in a while, I love a good scare. I mean a GOOD scare. Some kind of movie that makes me go "Whoah," or "Crap, didn't see that coming." I had heard of the Woman in Black and had wanted to see it in theaters but never got the chance. My father and I decided that we both wanted to see this film because we, like I've stated before, wanted a good scare. And boy WERE WE SCARED. I mean this film is as close to flawless as cinematically possible. The scares are unexpected, unlike a lot of thrillers. The acting was phenomenal. The music was eery and disturbing, which added to the overall appreciation I had for this film. I just don't know what else to say about the Woman in Black other than I'm sorry I didn't get to see this in theaters when it was there.

Now granted, those this is a great film (from start to finish) I would only recommend to teens and adults. This is NOT a children's movie, even for those who think they're strong enough to handle it. It is that scary. Parents heed the PG-13 rating and leave the children at home.

In short, I highly recommend The Woman in Black. If you're looking for a good time, and a GOOD scare then this is your film. I look forward to seeing what elses Daniel Radcliffe can produce in the future. Good job CBS Films.

My Grade: A
Stars: 5 out of 5

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted Movie Review

Four friends, Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman are doing whatever they can to get home to New York City in this latest installment from Dreamworks Animation. They seem to have the worst of luck with it. In this third installment they make another attempt that ends up landing the four friends in Monte Carlo. However with the help of a traveling circus, their luck might be just about to change.

  A film like Madagascar 3 (Europe's Most Wanted), is not an easy review to write, especially from this critic. For the most part, I enjoyed the film. It had its "ha ha" moments. Suprisingly, I didn't laugh as much as I thought I was going to and that's what kinda ruined it for me. Don't get me wrong. It's a good movie. The story is good. The acting is top notch. The music will be familiar to many. It just that I was expecting something with more humor in it, especially coming from the hysterity that existed in the first two Madagscar films. The animation was very good. I was sitting in an old local theater (with not the greatest screen quality I might add) and I even noticed the difference in the picture itself and the colorful animation. Impressive, Dreamworks.

In terms of things to look out for, I would look out for some adult humor that pops up from time to time. Off the top of my head I can't remember what specifically to look out for but it's there. Overall, it's a clean movie. This was Dreamworks' attempt at making the Madagascar 3 film cleaner than the first two films and they succeeded. Also there are some positive themes of friendship, comradary, and loyalty to others.

Madagascar 3 is a good film. I give this movie its "props" for being funny where it needed to be and for having a good overall story. Does it get my recommendation? Yeah, I suppose. Still, more humor was needed for this reviewer to enjoy the film. Good for ages 6 and up.

My Grade: B
Stars: 4 out of 5